• 04/03/2024
  • Visitor's Count:216
  • Webtel

GST Filing Automation: A Guide to Automate Compliance

GST compliance is a crucial aspect for businesses operating in India. It refers to the adherence to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regulations, ensuring accurate and timely filing of returns, and fulfilling all statutory requirements. Non-compliance can lead to penalties and various challenges for businesses.

However, with the increasing business operations, managing dynamic compliance requirements becomes tedious. In this blog, we will discuss how GST Automation can assist you in maintaining GST compliance with accuracy.

Web-GST: Automation for Simplified Compliance

GST compliance can turn into a challenge for organizations due to complexities in the return filing process and the hassle of following up with compliance changes. Web-e-GST, Webtel's advanced GST filing software, offers a comprehensive solution to automate the GST compliance process.

Web-GST, Webtel’s fastest and most reliable GST filing software is a solution to simplify GST returns and automate data flow for seamless return filing.

GST Return Filing

The GST return filing process can be complex, involving the submission of details about a taxpayer's sales, purchases, and tax payments. Web-e-GST simplifies this process by automating the preparation and filing of various GST returns, ensuring accuracy and adherence to regulatory timelines.

- Annual Return Filing Automation: Web-e-GST facilitates the filing of annual return and reconciliation statement GSTR 9, and GSTR 9C seamlessly and accurately.

- Automation of GSTR 1 & GSTR 3B: The software automates the generation and filing of GSTR 1 and GSTR 3B, reducing manual effort and minimizing the risk of errors.

- Specific Solutions for Different Returns: Whether it's GSTR 4 & CMP 8 for Composition dealers or GSTR 5 for Non-Resident taxpayers (NRTP), Web-e-GST covers the entire spectrum of GST return filing.

2A/2B Reconciliation

Web-e-GST takes GST compliance a step further by providing advanced tools for reconciling GSTR 2A/2B, ensuring that businesses can claim 100% Input Tax Credit (ITC) accurately.

- Advanced Matching Tools: The software employs efficient algorithms for matching invoices, comparing data in GSTR 2A/2B with the purchase records, and highlighting discrepancies.

- Vendor Payment Automation (VPA): Vendor Payment Automation Tool prevents ITC loss due to non-payment, delays, or errors by vendors, ensuring comprehensive reconciliation and compliance.

- ITC Alert System: Web-e-GST includes an alert mechanism to notify users of any excess Input Tax Credit claimed compared to the ITC available in GSTR 3B. Moreover, Web-GST provides multiple reports to verify ITC claimed by taxpayers to ensure accuracy.

- Data Segregation: Web-GST increases data accuracy by providing color-wise data segregation in addition to viewing vendor GST filing status, IRN & IRN date, and RCM status of the vendor.

GST Reports

Web-e-GST equips businesses with a suite of analytical tools to generate detailed GST compliance reports. These reports provide valuable insights into various aspects of the business's tax obligations. Some key reports include:

- GSTR 3B vs 2A/2B Comparison Report: A comparative analysis of GSTR 3B with GSTR 2A/2B to ensure consistency and accuracy.

- GSTR 1 vs e-Invoice/e-Way Bill Report: An insightful report comparing GSTR 1 data with e-Invoice/e-Way Bill information for comprehensive compliance checks.

- Annual Reconciliation Reports: Including GSTR-2A/2B Annual Reconciliation Report, Annual Report of Outward Supply, ITC Report, and Consolidated Annual 3B Report.

Other Utilities

Web-e-GST offers a range of utilities beyond basic filing and reconciliation, enhancing the overall compliance experience.

- Automatic Data Validation: Employing intelligent algorithms for automated data validation, Web-e-GST reduces the risk of errors in the filing process.

- User-Friendly Dashboard: Providing a dashboard for easy tracking of GST returns filing status and cash-flow reports, making it accessible and comprehensible for users.

- Privacy & Security: Web-e-GST ensures data security and privacy for a hassle-free return filing experience.

- Customized Reports: With Web-e-GST, the user can also create custom report templates of GSTR1, GSTR2, DR/ CR Notes, Sale & Purchase invoices, in addition to self-designed reports.

- Dedicated Support: Our support team offers end-to-end dedicated support to the users for all their GST-related issues.

GST Integration with Other ERPs

Integration with ERPs is a standout feature of Web-e-GST, ensuring that businesses can streamline their compliance processes by connecting seamlessly with their existing systems.

Webtel’s GST Software is a complete solution for your GST compliance needs that seamlessly integrates with any ERP, including custom ERPs. You can import bulk data from Excel, Tally, Busy, and any other ERP to seamlessly generate GST Returns.

Webtel has middleware/connections to pull data in a defined structure from these ERPs to automate return filing process. The extracted data

What's the Next Step?

For businesses looking to streamline their GST compliance, the next step is clear: embrace automation. Choosing reliable GST filing software like Web-GST can significantly simplify the compliance process, reduce the risk of errors, and ensure timely adherence to GST regulations.

Web-GST stands as a comprehensive solution to overcome the challenges of GST compliance. By automating filing processes, offering intelligent tools, and ensuring seamless integration, businesses can navigate the complexities of GST with ease. The next step for businesses is to adopt advanced solutions like Web-e-GST to not only meet compliance requirements but also enhance overall operational efficiency.

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