Remote Desktop Solution

  • 05/03/2024
  • Visitor's Count:1315
  • Webtel

Benefits of a Remote Desktop Software while Working From Home

Ever since last year the pandemic hit with all its fury, work from home became the new normal around the globe. Even once the pandemic ends, with vaccination drives becoming more widespread, it is expected that remote working would very much remain prevalent across multiple sectors.

It is absolutely essential that one must remain at home (those who can) and continue working from home. With the majority of Indian states in various phases of lockdown, it goes without saying that this is the safest option for you and your family. Even us folks at Webtel have been working from home since the past months and have been managing our daily tasks quite efficiently.

Benefits of a Remote Desktop Software while Working from Home

Benefits of Getting Remote Desktop Software in your Firm

Nowadays, there are a number of remote desktops software available that help organizations manage their employee tasks and ensure that things run in a smooth manner. There are a number of benefits of implementing a remote desktop solution in your firm. They are:

#1 Saves Money

To run any business in today’s times, you need to be on top of data management. This includes maintenance of servers, regular checkups, and employee remunerations. All this cost adds up. By taking on remote desktop services, you save money in the long run.

First off, you do away with the need of having an office desktop system. The entire system is cloud-based eliminating the need for having a central drive to help you with the day-to-day functions. This results in getting hold of a reliable storage solution at only a fraction of the normal IT costs. Moreover, if any issue does crop up, you have access to a 24x7 support team to take care of any system failures or data management issues.

#2 Increases employee productivity and motivation levels

Many studies over the decades that an employee’s working environment influences their productivity levels. Employees who feel valued, engaged and respected are more productive. With the authorities still trying to rein in the present COVID situation in most major metro cities, remote work is the preferred option for employees who do not wish to travel to work. Here’s where a remote desktop service comes in. It helps employees complete their work whilst affording them job flexibility. A lot of companies have made their working hours flexible where employees can choose their shift timings. Employees feel in control of their work tasks and environment, thereby, resulting in increased motivation levels.

#3 Say goodbye to device compatibility issues

Offices use many different programs and networks which sometimes result in device compatibility issues - some programs may be compatible with only Mac OS while others solely with Windows OS.

With a remote desktop service, you can get rid of pesky configuration issues as all one needs to do is connect their computers to the remote desktop and start working. It doesn't matter which machines the employee is using; they’d be able to access the service.

#4 Data security

With data becoming the new gold, cyberthreats are at an all time high where companies are targeted by hackers to steal their customer data - credit card information, personal ID proofs, etc. Office computer systems are more vulnerable to data loss and hacking compared to cloud-based systems.

With a remote desktop, your data is stored in the clouds where you can easily update, access, and keep it secure. Moreover, a majority of remote desktop services provide a multi-layer security and protection to every piece of data from access to migration and storage.

#5 Easy data accessibility and management

The beauty of remote networks is that they don’t require complex access and data management infrastructure. All one needs is some specific login information and employees can access the remote desktop service.

With a remorse desktop solution, your employees can access data from any location or device including mobile phones. Additionally, managers can keep tabs on employees and how much they’re getting done from anywhere. This is beneficial when it comes to monitoring and measuring performance of your employees.

Webtel’s WAH: Best Remote Working Solution with Cyber Security

Webtel’s Work At Home (WAH) remote desktop solution not only comes equipped with top-of-the-line security features that keep you safe from cybersecurity threats, but also enables you to access data and software seamlessly. With WAH, you can get on top of remote work with minimal amount of training needed. Try it!

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