Now Manage Your Digital Signature Along With Office Automation Tool
The advancement of digital innovation has altered the way things are perceived in a company. To remain relevant in the current business visionaries, one must take the wise choice of staying in line with the updated innovations.
Earlier documents had to be printed, checked, and sent through post or email, with the hope that the recipient received them on time, signed the documents, and then returned them. Furthermore, the process was accompanied by several dissatisfactions such as missing signatures, late delivery of key data, lost or worn out documents, the time-consuming manual process of printing, filtering, and transmitting documents multiple times.
So, with the advent of digital signature, well-informed business people opted for digital signing as a means of speeding up transactions, but the management of the same is still an art to master.

Also Read: Importance Of Digital Signing In FY 2022-23
Challenges In The Management Of Digital Signatures
Today, digital signing may alleviate the burden of accomplishing things physically by empowering company visionaries to gather marks from various signatories more quickly and efficiently. Accepting the digital signature is only one way a company visionary can remain intensely competitive in today’s business environment, but its management is another challenge to overcome altogether.
So, let’s see and find what can be the pitfalls in the management of digital signatures and how to avoid them so that your documents do not get rendered meaninglessly.
First of all, a digital signature has a prominent expiration duration, i.e., 2-3 years per its validity as soon as it gets downloaded.
Secondly, it is fundamental to maintain an excel sheet with proper details of each and every signature.
Thirdly, the physical location of the signature’s token is a priority to be preserved securely either at the office or at the client’s end.
Fortunately, these challenges are not so difficult to overcome as they seem with Webtel’s Web-Edge with digital signature management features.
Now Automate Your Office And Digital Signature Management At Once
Webtel’s Web-Edge is an all-around solution with the incorporation of digital signature management that helps to cope with the entire management of digital signatures like intimating about the validation of digital signatures, keeping up with bits and pieces about every digital signature, and assurance concerning physical location of the signature’s token. While assuring compliance with various global standards through ERP for professional firms, cloud-based space to enhance staff’s productivity, smart task management to manage things effectively, and on-time increase revenue and profitability
Click here to get the detailed understanding on Digital Signing