Remote Desktop Solution

  • 11/03/2024
  • Visitor's Count:1273
  • Webtel

Is Working Remotely Possible for an Accountant

Accounting is not everyone’s cup of tea. It requires one to put in long, strenuous hours that shoot up during the tax season. If one were to say that accountants have their plates full would be an understatement.

With the onset of the pandemic, accountants as well as accounting firms have had to improvise how they work. In normal times, accountants used to go to the clients’ offices to conduct audits and file taxes on their behalf. But since travel is not allowed during lockdowns, accounting firms have had to come up with new ways to complete their jobs.

One such method is the increased use of remote access tools. Take Webtel’s Work At Home (WAH) for instance, which offers you easy, reliable, and secure access to all your clients’ computers from anywhere in the world, at any time, and from any device. That’s right! This tax season you won’t need to exercise your leg muscles but can work your magic with numbers sitting at home, ably assisted by Webtel.

It doesn’t matter if you are an auditor, bookkeeper, controller, financial analyst, a big firm, or a freelance tax preparer, you can telecommute to work with Webtel’s WAH easily.

Is Working Remotely Possible for an Accountant?

Why Tax Professionals Should Use WAH to Work from Home

There are several benefits of Webtel’s remote desktop solution apart from being a smart way to work remotely. These are:

  • You can work anywhere, at any time, keeping time-related worries at the side.

  • You can offer 24x7 support to the client.

  • You can work on-the-go while traveling.

  • You can carve out more time for brainstorming and focus more on running the strategy part of your business.

  • You can lessen the turnaround time that’ll help you keep your clients pleased while growing your business.

Exciting Features That Webtel’s WAH Offers

  • Accessibility: WAH remote access software offers you easy access to your clients’ files.

  • Flexibility: Take control of your client’s computer through any device - smartphone, or tablet, or desktop at your disposal.

  • Security: With WAH’s cybersecurity feature, you’re protected from phishing, ransomware, malware and other security threats.

Time To Wrap Up

As an accountant, the way you work has undergone a complete transformation. But with the right tools at your disposal, you can execute your tasks with the same efficiency without having to travel to your clients’ offices or workplaces. Make hay while the sun shines!

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